How To Renovate Your Lawn... Step By Step Guide
Benefits Include:
- Relief from compaction
- Thatch removed to allow better oxygen flow and nutrient / water uptake.
- Healthier turf stand
- Allows better drainage through core aeration
- Creates a more level surface
Only Renovate When Lawn is Actively Growing Starting Early September-January with Warm Season Lawns.
(For Cool Season lawns renovate early Feb - early March)
Use your Rotary Mower for this (Don’t be as aggressive with Buffalo).
Core Aeration
Hire out a machine e.g:
Scarify Two directions
(this helps the soil thatch layer).
Use washed pit sand, 90/20, 80/20 or a sandy loam. Make sure it’s washed to avoid weed seeds in your mix.
Use a fert that has a bit more kick. I recommend either Lawn Tips Dominate to help extra nitrogen or Reinstate which is designed for lawn renovations and repair.
Pre-emergent and Insecticide Treatment (This can be done before or after renovation)
Once you renovation is complete you can apply your pre-emergent and insecticde to help prevent weeds and pests for 6 months. My two favourite options are Barricade or Spartan (pre-emergents) and Acelepryn (insecticide)
How To Treat Your Lawn After a Renovation
- Water a little more than usual. Aim for every two days. I usually recommend you “baby it back to health.” Sand can dry out your lawn quickly.
- Do your first mow with a rotary mower when the lawn has grown through most of the sand.
When Can I Go Back To Normal Practices?
Once your lawn has grown through and nearly filled in completely you can go back to your normal routine.
- Mowing 1-2 times a week (if you can)
- Watering your lawn with ½”-1” of water per week (depending on the season) always water ½” each time you water.
- Fertilise every 8-10 weeks with a slow release fert. Lawn Tips Dominate or Stimulate are great options for season long use.
- Use a wetting agent once every 3-4 weeks because of the Australian Conditions. (will help save water)